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Tiny World

Broadcaster: Apple TV

Presenter: Paul Rudd


This docuseries showcases nature’s lesser-known tiny heroes. Spotlighting small creatures and the extraordinary things they do to survive, each episode is filled with surprising stories and spectacular cinematography.

- Apple TV Press Centre

Tiny World Timelapse Specialist

I was brought onto this production to assist the great time-lapse specialist Richard Kirby as he filmed various tropical plant time-lapse sequences and shots. This was my first opportunity to really get a taste of how to manage a completely dedicated studio environment and I owe a lot to him for his guidance and advice. The studio was built at the infamous Aardman studios and it was a truly colossal feet of engineering to create a huge space that could replicate the temperature, humidity and lighting necessary to grow tropical plants successfully. I was also extremely lucky to learn from the best in motion control animation, because Aardman is absolutely at the forefront of this. 

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